Moroccan Meat Pies - with Moroccan Tagine spice mix

The fall has me wanting to cook again! I crave warm, stick-to-you-ribs meals with spices that remind us of the approaching holiday season.  These savory meat pies are fun to make and eat. I love the way the Moroccan Tagine Spice Mix flavors work with the sweetness of the root veggies, but you really could use any of the spice mixes you prefer or have on hand - just be sure to adjust for salt.

What you will need:
1 lb. beef skirt steak or stew meat - cut into small cubes
1/2 red or yellow onion - diced
1 baking potato - pealed and cubed
1 yam or 3 carrots - pealed and cubed
2 T Moroccan Tagine Spice Mix
2 tsp tomato paste
1/2 C vegetable broth or water
salt to tate
olive oil
3 ready made, roll-out pie crusts


Preheat your oven to 400 F and take your pie crusts out of the fridge to come to room temperature.
Throw the cubed veggies on a baking sheet with a splash of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt. Roast them in the oven for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, saute' your cubed meat and diced onions with a bit of olive oil until the onions are tender and your meat is cooked through. 

Stir in the tomato paste, broth, and spice mix. Cook that down for a bit until the broth has reduced into more of a sauce. Turn off the heat, cover it and let it rest while your veggies finish roasting.
Combine your meat mixture with your roasted veggies and set aside.
Now - unroll your pie crusts on a floured surface and cut each circle in half - you now have 6 pieces.

Make a mound of your filling in the center of one side of each piece. Now, fold over the other side and crimp and fold all the edges together to seal them up nice and tight.
Now you have six individual pies! Cut a slit into the tops of each for ventilation and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. 

Bake for 30 minutes in a 400 degree oven until the crust is golden brown. 

If you don't want to fuss with all the little pies, just make one big pie by tossing all that meat and veg mixture into a medium sized casserole dish and covering it with one of the whole pie crusts. Cut a slit in the top and bake it the same way. It will be just as good!

These make a fun dinner, but are also great for fall picnics and even lunch boxes! To heat up left overs, just wrap them in foil and reheat in the oven. 

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