Super Cereal - with Signature Spiced Sugar

Let's talk trash. What we eat for breakfast often qualifies!  No matter what they claim about fiber and this and that, pre-packaged breakfast foods are generally loaded with preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors...yuck. Here is a recipe for an all-natural, protein and nutrition packed breakfast superfood that you can make at home with all your favorite flavors!

What you will need:
1 lb oats (not instant oatmeal)
1 C of your favorite nuts and seeds (raw and unsalted)
1 C of your favorite dried fruits (unsweetened)
1/3 C Signature Spiced Sugar (or any of our other flavors!)

Toast the oats and nuts/seeds on a baking sheet in a 350 F degree oven for 10 minutes.
Add the spiced sugar and dried fruit.
Pulse it all together in a food processor until it is as finely textured as you want it. I like mine ground up somewhere between granola and cornmeal. This way you still get some texture with the nuts and fruits but the oats are pretty well pulverized.'re done. Yep! That's it.  Now you can save it in a big container and eat it with hot or cold milk, sprinkle it on yogurt, or add it to oatmeal for a protein and flavor boost.  I like using Signature Spiced Sugar in this recipe for the orange, but you really could use whichever sugar blend you like best.  

Try mixing it up - half Mayan Mocha and half Canela Latte would be amazing!  Spice Cake and Gingerbread!  Vanilla Chai! Whichever sugar you have and like will work (except for Peppermint).

As for nuts, seeds, and dried fruits - same goes. This time I used walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, dates, raisins, and cherries.  But anything you have in the pantry, or can find for cheap in the bulk bins, will be fine.  Pistachios, pumpkin seeds, dried mango, coconut...whatever you do with it, it's going to be a tasty and nutritious start to your day!

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