Tacos - with Texas Chili spice mix

We once had an international student living with us in our home from the beautiful nation of Zimbabwe. It was here that she first tasted her forever favorite Texan-American food - TACOS! Whenever I can, I love to send her a packet of seasoning so she can make them at home. It's so easy to make great tacos when you have a great seasoning. Here's how I do it...

What you will need:
1 lb ground beef
2 T Texas Chili spice mix
1 T tomato paste
1/2 C vegetable broth or water
cooking oil
taco shells and fixin's

Brown your ground beef in a skillet with a little cooking oil. Stir in the spice mix. Stir in the tomato paste and broth. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. That's it. You're done! No chemicals. No artificial colors or flavors. No preservatives or anti-caking agents. All-natural is the way to go on this one, and you will taste the difference.
I suppose it would work just as well with shredded chicken or even beans if you wanted to go veg!

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