Vanilla-Chai Nankhatai

Nankhatai - In Persia, the word literally means "bread-biscuit".  These shortbread cookies are common in parts of India and the Middle East and are traditionally spiked with some lovely cardamom or nutmeg.  In this version, I have simply used Vanilla-Chai sugar to do the flavoring, as it also contains cardamom and other Eastern spices.

What you will need:

1 C all-purpose flour (plus more for dusting)

1/2 C cold butter - cut into small chunks

1/3 C Vanilla-Chai sugar (plus more for sprinkling)

1 1/2 tsp water

Combine and crumble the flour and butter in a chilled bowl with your hands until it resembles breadcrumbs. You are trying to keep the dough cold while still combining the ingredients.
Add the sugar and continue to crumble and combine.
Add the water and combine with your hands until a firm dough forms.
Sprinkle flour onto a clean countertop or cutting board and lightly flour a rolling pin.
Gently roll out the dough into a 1/2" thick circle. If the dough has become too soft to roll properly, simply chill it in the refrigerator or freezer for a few minutes.
Use the open side of a glass or mason jar to cut the dough into circles and spread them out onto a parchment lined baking sheet.
Place the baking sheet with the cut out dough into the refrigerator to chill for 20 minutes. 
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350 F.
When the oven is heated, bake the nankhatai for 12-15 minutes, depending on their thickness and your oven. Watch for browning around the edges and remove from the oven if they start looking too brown.

Remove from the oven and sprinkle them with more Vanilla-Chai sugar while they are still hot.  
Allow them to cool completely.
Serve with tea and some of our fabulous Orange Blossom-Fennel tea drops!

 *If your house is dairy-free try these with coconut or vegetable shortening, but they may spread out a little more.  For the super cheater version, sprinkle Vanilla-Chai sugar on hot slice and bake shortbread cookies :)

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